Illinois Real Estate License Act (RELA) signed into law

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the Illinios Real Estate License Act (RELA) into law, a move that strengthens rules for training and professionalism and enhances consumer protections.  

Public Act 101-0357 was signed on August 9, 2019. It is a rewrite of the Illinois Real Estate License Act, which by statute must be revised every decade to reflect industry changes. 

New Illinois law prohibits landlords from evicting tenants…

Illinois has become the second state to prohibit landlords from evicting tenants solely because they’re living in the U.S. illegally.

The measure Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law also prohibits landlords from reporting or threatening to report tenants’ immigration status to authorities in order to intimidate them, or as retaliation for exercising their rights as tenants, or to force them to move out.

Read more in the article posted in the Chicago Tribune.